Health Buzz

1. Taking calcium supplements has long been promoted as a way to prevent osteoporosis, but a recent German study suggests that consuming these supplements could significantly increase your risk of heart attack. Researchers speculate that excess calcium from supplements may be deposited in the arteries, contributing to plaque buildup and…

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Health Buzz

1 – Adopting a positive outlook on life can cut your risk of heart attack in half. A Harvard research review of more than 200 studies showed that being optimistic and satisfied with your life can decrease your chance of cardiovascular disease by 50 percent, regardless of your age, body…

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Health Buzz

Eating a high protein breakfast can help you feel full longer and reduce late-night snacking, according to researchers from the University of Missouri-Columbia. They followed 20 overweight women between 18 and 20 years old over a six-day period and divided them into three groups. The first group ate a 350-calorie…

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Trust Your Gut

Taking probiotics has become an increasingly popular way to maintain a healthy digestive system. Probiotics are live microorganisms – known as good bacteria – that are available in food or dietary supplements. “Our intestinal tracts are lined with bacteria that are very important in our digestion, and we need good…

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Get Connected

Want to improve your health and add years to your life? Build positive, supportive relationships with your family, friends and community. “The more socially connected you are, the healthier you are and the longer you live,” says Debra Umberson, Ph.D., director of the Population Research Center and professor of sociology…

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