My passion in life is helping people bring more strength and balance to their bodies and minds, so they can live a healthier, more fulfilling and joyful life. Here you will find tips on how to improve every aspect of your life through healthy eating, exercise and yoga.
As an ACE-certified group fitness instructor and yoga teacher, I don't just write about health and fitness - I live and breathe it every day. I love getting people off the couch and helping them sweat and stretch their way to good health. Browse my website for the latest in health and fitness news and parenting tips, or join me in one of my weekly classes.

Angela's Blog Posts

Why Yin Yoga Is a Must for Type A Yogis

The Hidden Risks of Multitasking

Letting Go – Unexpected Sounds and Sensations in Yoga

Paralyzed But Unstoppable

The Secret to Long-Term Weight Loss

7 Tips for Cutting Back on Social Media
Paralyzed But Unstoppable
Skip Fast Weight Loss Diets and Go for Long-Term Health
Tearing Down the Obstacles to Meditation
7 Tips for Cutting Back on Social Media
Social Media Stokes Coronavirus Fears
Does Green Tea Cut Your Risk of Cancer?

For centuries, people have been drinking green tea for medicinal purposes—from improving brain function and digestion to losing weight and preventing cancer. Green tea is loaded with powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. These antioxidants reduce free radicals in the body, which contribute to aging and a wide range of diseases. A…
Which Veggies Pack the Healthiest Punch?

Vegetables are one of the healthiest foods on the planet, yet only 9 percent of adults eat the recommended amount, according to a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study. That means Americans are missing out on many essential vitamins, minerals and fiber that are vital to our long-term…
Don’t Sugar Coat It

Eating too much sugar not only adds inches to your waistline, but also fuels inflammation, which is a major cause of many chronic diseases. Sugar comes in a number of different forms – including refined sugar (sucrose), naturally occurring fructose found in fresh fruit, and man-made high-fructose corn syrup, or HFCS, used…
Alzheimer’s: I’m still IN HERE
The Skinny on Fat
Motion Sickness Meds that Work

Nothing ruins a vacation faster than the misery of motion sickness. But following a few travel tips and packing the proper medication can make for a more enjoyable trip. Although the exact cause of motion sickness is unknown, many experts believe it occurs when the brain receives conflicting sensory messages.…
Health Risks of Sitting Too Long
5 Tips for Avoiding “Sitting” Disease
How Ayurveda Balances the Body
Health Buzz
Warning Signs of Melanoma

Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer, caused primarily from ultraviolet radiation from sun exposure or indoor tanning. About 9,500 Americans are expected to die this year from melanoma, according to the American Cancer Society. One or more blistering sunburns before the age of 18 more than doubles…