Fueled by Food

Planning to go on a long run or play in a soccer tournament this weekend? What you eat before, during and after your workout can make a big difference in your performance, says Penny Wilson, Ph.D., registered dietitian at Ironman Sports Medicine Institute in Houston. “Your nutrition can really make…

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Osteoporosis – the Silent Disease

Each year Americans break about two million bones as a result of osteoporosis, a “silent” disease that causes bones to become brittle and weak. Although anyone can have osteoporosis, your risk increases if you are Caucasian or Asian, have close family members with the disease, low body weight or are…

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Eye To Eye

Eye disease becomes more common as you age, but getting early treatment can reduce your chance of permanent vision loss. “Many of the diseases are actually without symptoms so the patients may not necessarily know that they have a problem or a disease until they get to that stage (of…

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Avoiding the Dangerous Effects of Dehydration

As summer temperatures soar, so does your risk of dehydration. Thirst is often your body’s first cue that you’re low on water. “You’re already dehydrated by the time you’re thirsty, at least mildly, if not more,” says Matthew Ganio, Ph.D., director of the Human Performance Lab at the University of…

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The Doctor Is In – Concierge Medicine

Imagine leisurely, same-day appointments and 24/7 access to your doctor, even on weekends and holidays. A growing trend in concierge-style medicine makes this a reality. “I give my cell phone number out to my patients, so there’s no answering service,” says Dr. Kirk Lee of Personal Physicians of Sugarland in…

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